How to Donate Hair in Atlanta

Scheduling note: The next hair donation day is Tuesday, August 13. If you would like to schedule a hair donation cut, text me directly at 404-784-2811. Do NOT schedule through the shop. Otherwise, you may get charged for the haircut.

There have been a few times when someone would sit in my chair ready to donate their hair. I remember the first time this occurred… as I was speaking with the donor, they told me about someone in their family undergoing chemotherapy, and the connected hair loss.

It was early in my career, and they were asking me questions which I had no answers to… luckily someone else in the shop had done several hair donation cuts.

Over time, I started seeing more people sitting in my chair to donate, and most recently was a long-time friend of mine who made it a point to donate her hair every couple of years.

I tied the hair off into ponytails and we cut the locks off, and then put them into a bag for her to donate (six really good tails!)

At that time, I decided that I wanted to know more about hair donation and what it entails. I learned that there are several different organizations who collect hair to make wigs for cancer patients and others.

I also know another step I need to take the next time I cut hair for donation purposes.

I was going to write a whole blog post about it, but there are some folks who have already done such a wonderful job of it that I’d like to simply direct people to their websites rather than reinvent the wheel, so to speak.

These organizations and authors list the requirements and procedures for donating hair.

If you are considering donating your hair, this information is very handy for you to know, and when you are ready to cut the locks off, let me know and I would be honored to do it for you.

Tap the titles below to be taken to each respective website. How to Donate Your Hair to Help People With Cancer

Knowledge Conquers Cancer – From the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), detailed information of things to consider and how to prepare for donating hair. 

Locks of Love

Locks of Love is the name that comes up most often when people talk to me about donating their hair.

Local Adventurer: Your Complete Guide on When and How to Donate Hair

The title sums it up nicely. She also lists and details several organizations for you to look at when deciding on where to make your donation.

Love to Know: Best Places to Donate Hair and Quick How-to Guide

More advice on choosing organizations, preparation, and how to donate your hair

Wigs for Kids: Ponytail Guidelines

Wigs for Kids makes wigs for children who have lost their hair to cancer. These are their guidelines and directions for how to donate hair through teir organization.